Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

Riding home on the school bus on Thursdays, I was often summoned by some of my Roman Catholic classmates to help them study their catechism lesson or incur the wrath of the nun. My job was to ask the questions given in the lesson; they had to provide the correct answers. Doing this was a lesson for me also, not being raised in this faith. It took some of the mystery of this religion away as many, many of my childhood classmates were Roman Catholic.  

Many of the members of Mt. Carmel in my generation were direct Italian immigrants. They were our neighbors and friends, and their children, classmates.  In 1991, my parents, Fred and Lois Best, were actively involved in the Museum projects. Gina Mondelli wrote her memories of the Mt. Carmel Society which brought back memories for me, regarding the festive fireworks in mid-July each summer.  

Gina wrote, "The Society of Mt. Carmel began celebrating the feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in 1913 just the way it was done in Italy.  Maria Venezia organized the parade with girls in white dresses and veils.  The Society members and their families marched.  There was a band from Little Italy in New York City....

"It takes two weeks to set up the fair.  The fair lasts for three days.  There are rides, food, and games of chance.  My dad helps set up the fair and works at a stand.

"When the fair started it was set up where the Berkeley Hardware store is today [on Springfield Avenue, near the intersection with Plainfield Avenue].  The location of the fair changed a few times. Now it is held on River Road, a block past Berkeley Florist.  The Society has a meeting hall there.  Its first meeting hall was where the library is today [on Plainfield Avenue, near the intersection with Berkeley Avenue].

"On July 16 members arrive early at Little Flower Church [next to the library] to begin the parade at 9 A.M.  They march around the neighborhood across from the Church and then go down Springfield Avenue toward Snyder Avenue.  Along the way the parade stops at the homes of members and the Garden State Fireworks Company shoots of bombs in memory of dead relatives.  They march up to Washington Street and go down to the meeting hall on River Road.  Many bombs are shot by their hall.  Then they march down Springfield Avenue....

"The next stop is the intersection by Berkeley Hardware store.  The parade stops and the police stop all traffic.  The band plays the Star Spangled Banner while bombs are shot.  Then thousands of firecrackers in strips are placed across the street and lit with flares.  More bombs are shot and the noise is ear shocking.  The parade continues back to the Church.  More bombs are shot.  A Mass is held for the feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel.

"Family picnics are held in the afternoon.  People park their cars and walk one to two miles to see the fireworks display.  It begins at 11:15 P.M....The show lasts 30-40 minutes."

The late night finale was spectacular and deafening, making itself heard all over town! I like the part where Gina writes about the Society shooting off bombs in memory of dead relatives along the parade route! 

- Nancy B. Bates

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